Adding into stack
procedure add(item : items);
{add item to the global stack stack;
top is the current top of stack
and n is its maximum size}
if top = n then stackfull;
top := top+1;
stack(top) := item;
end: {of add}
Deletion in stack
These two procedures are so simple that they perhaps need no more explanation. Procedure delete actually combines the functions TOP and DELETE, stackfull and stackempty are procedures which are left unspecified since they will depend upon the particular application. Often a stackfull condition will signal that more storage needs to be allocated and the program re-run. Stackempty is often a meaningful condition.
Addition into a queue
procedure addq (item : items);
{add item to the queue q}
if rear=n then queuefull
else begin
rear :=rear+1;
end;{of addq}
Deletion in a queue
procedure deleteq (var item : items);{delete from the front of q and put into item}
if front = rear then queueempty
else begin
front := front+1
item := q[front];
end; {of deleteq}
Labels: Data Structures
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