In c, there are three types of data.

(2) What is qualifier or modifier of data type?
It qualify the primary data type.There are five group of qualifier in C.

(There is another type qualifier near, far, huge, which qualify only pointer type data type ,interrupt is also qualifier of data)
We can write all five (one for each group) qualifiers for same data type. If we will not write then it will take its default quantifier.We can write quantifier in any order.We cannot write two qualifier of the same group.
E.g short unsigned volatile const int a=5;
It is right. Qualifier of each group is:

E.g static auto int a=5;
It is wrong, because we cannot write two qualifier of the same group.Both static and auto comes under group 1 i.e storage class.
Note. There is not any keyword for the opposite const and volatile .So if does not write qualifier const it means the default qualifier is opposite of const.Same this happen for volatile.Default qualifier of group 3 has also not any keyword .It is between the short and long i.e normal data type.
It not necessary that each primary data type support all five group of quantifier.

Tq ..sir
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